4 minutes late

Sunday 3rd April

HW is at 13.34 height 9.56m which mean push off from canal foot at HW -04.00, paddle out into Morecambe bay down the ebbing waters of the Leven estuary until we meet the incoming bore wave at HW -03.00, back past Canal Foot and on through the Leven viaduct to Greenodd by 12.30 HW -01.00 – Simple eh!

Low river water flow, generally leads to an unclear channel with shallow riffles. And so it proved to be. Progress and guess, a blind maze! Glassy water, Big skies,

look for flowing water along a channel or from pool to pool. Only one get out and pull, before we reached Chapel island.

Paddling with Mike

Now where? a 90 degree turn to a hidden channel proved the link to open water, where fortunately one, wide, but deep enough, channel pushed us along for many km. Whats that I hear, louder, louder still, a white line in the distance, Flocks of Eider and Oyster Catcher not bothered.

The line so slow, takes 10 minute s to reach us, a quick surf and it obliges us by melding with the outflow, Brian goes right and catches the edge as the wave reforms. Mike H , John, Annette, Ray less lucky , unable to catch the wave, just float on behind.

Soon back at Chapel island the maze to rewind. Oh no where we walked is now a sand bank. Only one alternative, a bit shallow. A few bongo along the sand, until we are able, in enough water to head back and west. 10 minutes of effort saw us regain the main flow and get zoomed 8kts to Canal foot.

Relax! Unfortunately not, more unpredictability. Go slow, wait for the sand to cover, then a long slide over ploppy clapotis, to ooh that’s rather a wide whirlpool. Go right, but no too far as the viaduct Is close. John sits in a mid river eddy, which takes him too far right. Through the main arch, and some nasty turbulence. All made it.

Oh more maze, no obvious way on, just sand. SO we stop far right and casein the viaduct for view. The channel now filling becomes more obvious. So we gently paddle , speed by the flood tide until we almost catch the tide front at Greenodd, apparently 4 minutes later than planned.

Mike H

Thanks to Angela for pic from canal foot

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