Loch Ken and river Dee

Wednesday 10.30 saw Mike H, Phil , John S, Brian Win sea kayaks and  Barry, Andrew and guest Tom in Open boats, meet at Ken bridge.

Sun cream applied we floated down the River Dee to Loch Ken wirer a fisherman , told us the way!!. Entertained by red kites, herons, buzzards, and crows amongst others we soon found a lunch spot- is is a hard life! if only the sun was not so bright, if only there was cloud to block it!

soon a following wind increase din velocity, tempting Barry to try out his sail. Fortunately the flukey, gusty wind curtailed his ambition to sail off into the distance.

Two hours more brought us to the old viaduct where we headed east to find our camp amongst ancient oaks. Now 4 of us could no reach around the girth of the biggest- how old might it be.

Soon dinner was  consumed and we enjoyed the flicker of flames with small volume of the evil stuff diluted with ginger beer. Rumour of dry feet, too much cheese and how did Barry turn a great oak into a drinking vessel- we might never know.

A cold night Brough early morning mist. These boyar keen, up by 7.30 and off by 8.30 calm. banter sped us along  as we prospected  alternative campsites. The  westerly wind, became more southerly and stronger, to the displeasure of the one bladed craft.

A quick brew and short portage brought us back to the river Dee.  Some flow, small class 1 rapids and an egret. Soon the wind increased just as on cue the local osprey, perch din his usual place, squared in distain at our passing.

The 730 year old ruins of a castle passed us by or did we pass it.  The wind stronger.

Soon the final class 2 rapid,- in a sea kayak? yes.  The job was done.