NE Scotland day 1

Day 1 Sandend to Portessie leader Mark Gledhill 17th July

I decided as it was my first away trip with the LCC when discussing who would lead each trip I’d go first, so no pressure. Unfortunately my plans were scuppered when a change in weather next morning meant swapping destinations.

The new start point was on the Moray coast at Sandend so the shuttle was set up as we were to finish at Portessie 10 miles West. The conditions were quiet no real swell or wind to speak of.

The eight of us launched at 11:40. As the height of the cliffs increased we came across the first of many impressive castles perched in improbable positions on the cliff edge, this was Findlatter castle .

Next a detour into Cullen harbour, home of Cullen Skink. Back out across the bay to the trip highlight Bow and Fiddle rock an impressive arch just offshore. 

Bow and Fiddle rock

Continuing west we came across more of the old fishing ports Portknockie , Findochty separated by cliffs and skerries loaded with seabirds. Just before landing at Portessie we had a display from the resident Moray dolphins a great way to finish an excellent trip. 

Mark G

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