T’otter down the Lower Rawthey

BrianC was more awake than the rest of us at the Sedbergh put in, his body clock many hours ahead of ours thanks to his recent Nepalese trip.

We were soon woken up when Brian demonstrated boof strokes while successfully balancing on top of a wobbly upside-down kayak, thankful that he didn’t make us replicate.

We all took the first weir down the fish slide taking care with our paddle placements, SteveB getting the award for the deepest plunge curtesy of his low volume Burn.

Lots of eddy hopping practice behind boulders (there was plenty to choose from).

The low water opened new lines (for me), the weir at Birks ran nicely through the middle with the usual options looking very low.

The rapids below Birks footbridge required deft paddle work to avoid rocks, BrianC showing it was possible but the rest of us had varied success.

The usual play wave was still good fun, with less power than usual it felt less intimidating to get sidewise in, the rest of group dropped the hint it was time to move on (it seems as though I have a reputation).

Onwards to Railway Falls, we were treated to a couple from Carlisle Canoe Club demonstrating good and not so good lines.

Brian demonstrated the line, we tried to emulate but in my case, I scored max points for rocks hit (both times), PaulJ had the smoothest trip down and was well chuffed with that.

We were then treated to the great privilege of being led down the river for a considerable distance by an otter, great for us but probably rather irritating for the otter.

The sun shone, the Howgills looking lovely and an otter to finish the day, the paddling wasn’t bad too 😊.

Thanks to BrianC for leading and AlexD for organising.

AlexD, CrianC, ShawB, PaulJ, SteveB

River level 1.0m ish


River Kent

Level, .68

Weather, Dry, Clear and Very sunny.

Participants, Ian McCrerie, Chris Dale, Steve Edmundson, Conrad Leather.

Always a difficult decision deciding on where to paddle when most water has dropped off, there’s always the Leven and rivers farther afield that involve travelling and fitting in with the meagre daylight hours.

As a long journey didn’t appeal two of todays victims suggested the Kent as it was close and an ok level (Just) so River Kent it was.

A little confusion to start with meeting at the egress but soon sorted, off to Scroggs weir we went, a little scrappy to start with but soon improved.

It was mentioned at the outset that the Sun was very low and bright, at this time of year would normally been very welcome, however when you’re approaching significant rapids and it is blinding wiping out most vision it can be entertaining!

All in all a great run with some wave surfing being undertaken, all rapids negotiated successfully even Force falls with full Sun in our faces with one roll  required in the froth at the bottom.

Thanks to Conrad, Steve & Chris for your company on the river.

Ian McCrerie

Eskdale Esk


Just about enough water in the Esk to give us a low level run in a wonderfully quiet valley (0.76-0.72). I daren’t ask what time Mark G (from Hudderfield) had to get up to get to the Eskdale for us to run the river in daylight. 

Lovely clear water and a good weather day, not that we were looking at the views: we had plenty of trees to concentrate on rather closer at hand: some expected and some not. There were some nice small rapids to get to grips with and a few waves to play on. Sten and I had already inspected the main gorge and, with the fallen tree still sealing off the bottom of it we all  portaged along the left hand path, complete with tree obstacles. Putting back in was not an easy launch either. We also had to portage another couple of blockages and slalom round a couple more trees. The Esk is currently not in it’s best condition. 

We also had a full team effort at lunchtime, involving: string, stones and river knives to make good Paul’s arm strapping to enable him to carry on paddling. 

In three and a half hours we were back at the cars and people thought it was worth the effort of getting up early. 

Thanks for joining me: Sten, Stephen B, Paul J and Mark G