Border Esk

Mike H, Graeme, Rachel, Martin, Tom, Rob H John S and Julian enjoyed very day out on the Border Esk, Starting from Canonbie with the gauge showing 0.77 the flow was good.

The km passed by with idle chatter and the occasional small rapid with a few play waves to enjoy. Lunch was taken near an old church. Winds were predicted to be 4 gusting 6, however a gusty 3 was all we encountered.

The tranquility after lunch was interrupted by very loud bangs attempting to unfly pheasants. They din’t seem too successful.

At Longtown much longer rapid with a few play waves brought us to our egress at at a shingle bank.

After cafe chat just 200m from the egress. All were happy at having made the effort, this is what easy river trips should be.

Mike H

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