Spring canal paddle

29 May 2024

By the end of May you would expect quite a pleasant day for a leisurely paddle from Bolton le Sands to Tewitfield along the Lancaster Canal.
The forecast was reasonable with some sunshine, light winds from the west and a slight possibility of a shower.

It started well with George, Barry, Ian Brown, John Hough, RoyG, Nicola, John&Jan, and PeteR ready to go by 9.45. Usual briefing to watch out for swans, fishermen and to drive on the right if we met a canal boat, and we were off.

Two hours to Tewitfield Marina in pleasant weather, George even stopping to apply sun protection. Wishful thinking there George!
A pleasant stop for lunch by the canal side, then the showers started.

Six sea kayaks set off back to the start before anyone got too chilly. John & Jan in an open canoe and JohnH solo in a canoe followed on hoping for a following wind to help the journey back.
The showers rolled in from Morecambe Bay and the wind from the SW made for a challenging return. Back by just after 3pm, the open boaters had a tough time.
A good day out in good company.

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