A Rubbish Day on the Kent

Sunday 9th June 2024.

It was a cold drizzly day on Sunday but that didn’t stop almost 30 people from gathering in Staveley to help clear litter from the river Kent. Organised by Lakeland Canoe Club, in conjunction with the Clear River Kent Campaign the event had morphed from Robin asking, “Can you just contact Paddle UK during the Big Paddle Clean Up week for some kit?” to an event that involved the production of posters, risk assessments,  a search for a walking leader and a photographer, approval from various local councils and the Environmental Agency, and the baking of copious amount of cake!!

One the day we had walkers of all ages and half a dozen kayakers including, thanks to Pete G, a big raft paddled by the Kendal Mountain Rescue Team. Everyone donned their walking boots, wellies and dry suits, Phil C gave a rallying speech, and after the starting photo, which the photographer complained was like herding cats, started to walk or paddle the Kent down to Burneside.

Eventually the rain cleared and although the kayakers did more walking than paddling, due to low river levels, everyone had a great time picking up items such as netting, bottles and cans and the ubiquitous dog poo bags. The kayakers somehow managed to bring back a trampoline, whilst learning about otter poo and the walkers were honoured with displays of swallows and martins. After 2 hours of litter picking everyone gathered on the Millenium green in Burneside to meet new people, compare litter picking stories and consume cake.

I didn’t actually manage the paddle but the photos are testament to a fun day enjoyed by all.


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