Dudes on the Duddon


Sunday  4th Nov.

The planned visit to Eskdale on Saturday  was cancelled, as river level was scrape and the road from the Duddon valley was closed.  The rains came – quite a lot actually! Sunday morning saw Mike H , Sten, Matt, John and Ian H on the Duddon starting on Tarn Beck. The second corner,  blind, class 4, brought a roll from Ian, then a few branches to avoid until we reach dates Duddon. Flowing at 0.94 on the guage. A good level with all rocks covered. A fine run with many fast eddies and frequent play waves. mostly grade 3


Soon the challenge of Jenny’s  corner with the awkward spike of rock to avoid.

At the level were able to jump the ledge river left.

Now faster and a little more continuous led us to the steep steps into a narrower  gorge. Today all rocks covered so somewhat easier than when it is lower.

DSCF1041 crop
entry to the steps

More fun grade 3 brought us to the Rawford bridge. Again at this level easier than when lower, but still fun as the entry is not easy and  and folding waves can be problematic.

S0051044 crop4 good runs and one boat minus owner!!! Thanks to John for his long jog down the bank to retrieve it.

“Thanks for today, I really enjoyed the paddle.” was the general feel of the group.