April Full Moon Paddle.


The weather was looking ideal for a moonlight paddle. The pink moon shone brightly the evening before and as I write this it looks good the night after. However the Ambleside Roman Moon goddess Luna must have decided we were not worthy of moonlight on the 23rd.
Eight of us assembled at Waterhead carpark for an Eight O’clock launch. George, Barry, JohnP, JohnS, Lynne, AlisonH and JaneG were joined by Peter Walker as a guest. In the slowly fading evening light we paddled across to the entrance to the river Rothay then up the Brathay to the Clappersgate bridge. The breeze had dropped and it was amazingly peaceful, the cloud cover persisted, no moon!

Returning to the lake, Lynne who was paddling her solo canoe decided to call it a day. She needed to rest before Robs open boat safety and rescue session the next day.
The rest of us headed across to the beach at Wray castle for coffee and moon watching. Still no moon!
Refreshed by the complete calm of the evening, we headed across the lake towards the lights of the Low Wood hotel and back to Waterhead by 10.15. Now in almost complete darkness.

As we loaded the boats, the moon peeped out very briefly then disappeared again.
Of course the pink moon isn’t pink, it’s only called pink due to the appearance of many pink wildflowers at this time of year.


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