A blast down the G3 Leven

Sunday 24th February 2024

Team consisted of three paddlers: Simon E, Paul S and Isabelle C – a new, experienced and excellent  paddler who has just joined the club. After a bit of debate, we decided to do the upper grade 3 section of the Leven and then maybe a section of the Kent. 

We met at the usual put on the Leven and happened to come across club member Duncan G and his mate Dave (an excellent paddler and ex member of LCC) who were out for a bit of playboating. 

The river was high – gauge was at 1.28 and the river was pumping. Fun to paddle the G3 section at this level, surfing and playing all the way down. We got to the takeout and Isabelle decided that she was done for the day, Paul and Simon decided on a second run with Duncan and Dave.

Another fabulous blast down the top G3 section and a great day was finished. Home for a late lunch. Some days all you need is a nice wave to surf along with good friends……

Paddlers: Simon E, Isabelle C and Paul S.

Paul S 

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