Open Boating Coaching at Devil’s Bridge


On a beautiful Sunday morning, David W, Paul B, Kristine Q and Ed R met at Devil’s Bridge for some open boating fun! 
We started in the pool below the Bridge practicing generating forward momentum and how to do that efficiently. Then moved on to crossing the flow, we progressed up the river to find stronger flows to practice skills and build confidence. We had a quick look at tracking before pausing for lunch, at this point Paul left to take care of his dog. After lunch we looked at techniques for running the rapid and ways to break down the rapid to make it easier and safer. Both Ed and Kristine ran the rapid successfully multiple times, looking smooth while doing it. 

As a last thing we looked at home to rescue canoes, both the curl and x rescue. Both Ed and Kristine did this well! 

Thanks for a great day on the water.

David W