I haven’t a Clu-den. Galloway day 3 of 3

Early morning scan of the levels was a little disappointing. Yes it had rained but just not enough. 

The Nith had improved significantly and was now just below medium but others had barely reached low. Having done the Nith the day before our appetite for a repeat run was luke warm. 

Step up Mr Hayward, as in these situations he has this uncanny ability to conjure water from fresh air.

Cluden water is going says Mike, as we all look in bemusement, a float with a slidey thing and a couple more features, grade 2/4. What are we waiting for then, let’s go. Packed and on our way it was at least on our way home. With boats etc loaded from the day before we were soon at the put in and the sun was out.

The water was moving swiftly albeit a little flat and featureless, which allowed us to float and chat. It was cold though. Soon we could hear the roar of the rapid and the event horizon. A hasty eddy and inspection warranted.

Now I was expecting some sort of weir type slide but this was anything but. A line left or right with the latter definitely harder made it an easy decision. Left it is then. 

The approach in was easy enough before dropping in to a lovely green tongue that swept you round to the right then on though a serious of stoppers and ledges. Great fun.

My first run down had me inadvertently eddying out half way down but Mike’s line was clean.

Everyone else took there turn with mixed results.

The next rapid was a lovely left to right fluffy drop over a couple of ledges, enjoyed by all.

The final feature was a river wide ledge by an old mill, that could be run pretty much anywhere.

A play on a small wave finished off the run and then the egress a short way down.

A short but very worthwhile river to do when you’re out of other options.

In fact it was so good four went to run it again. We put on a little closer to the main interest this time and we were back at the egress in 30 minutes.

Level was around 0.62

Thanks to everyone. A great weekend.

Mark M

Urr and Nith Galloway Day 1 and 2 of 3

Mike H, Mark Mc, Ian Mc, Pete R, Rhod , Neil and Dave H enjoyed 3 days paddling in Galloway. Of course, rain fell Wednesday evening bringing perfect levels on Thursday, but falling for our trip on Friday.

Still using our water radar we found the Urr on 0.97 For Friday and the Nith on 0.69 for Saturday, good enough to start form Sanquhar

The Urr was low but tricky enough in places. slideshow of a narrow drop.

Saturday found us at Sanquhar for a 4 hour play, read and run fun session. Most unpleasant became our cold hands which glove or not, just would not go away.

The upper section provide quite a few wave trains and 8 rocky channels to keep us amused.

The last section of rapids includes 4 drops with hard to see the lines between half hidden rocks.

A blind drop has A very narrow must hit point.

Quite a fun level

Mike H