Introduction to river paddling – session 3

Mike H, Neil G, Mark W, Mark Mc, Paul S.

This was the 3rd river run of the series. Meeting at Scroggs Weir on the River Kent on a chilly and damp saturday morning. A new venue for most of the group and lovely to see Kendal from a different angle.

The Kent was running at 0.6 and a small group of 5 participants set off, Andrea, Ann-marie, Judith, Sally and Clare with our pose of leaders: Mike H, Neil G, Mark W, Mark Mc, Paul S. Satring In Burnside we found plenty of chance to practice using eddies, breaking in/out, looking at the flow and any obstacles. We carried on down to the familiar sandy bottoms, where the Kent and Mint meet. A couple of swims in rather cold conditions, and we were able to see what happens when people, boats and paddles need regathering and how this is done in practice.

With a portage round the main weir in town,

The opportunity to surf on some of the little drops through town was also taken, what a great way to learn! and brilliant fun!

The egress was at Scroggs weir, where cars and kit were regathered.

5 participants (3 others missing due to work or health – see you next time!)

A really great day despite the weather and all participants very much appreciated the time and expertise of our trip leaders – Thank you. I loved every minute!
