Derwent – Lower section Peel Wyke to Cockermouth

 Tuesday 5 March 2024

Tom Peacock (Lead), Graeme organiser and myself (John) paddled the Lower Section of the River Derwent on a glorious spring day from Peel Wyke (Bassenthwaite Lake) to the road bridge west of Cockermouth.

Having dropped a car at the egress we set of across Bass Lake at 10.30am. It was blowing a force 3 and gusting above this which made for a lively crossing, fortunately the wind was with us.

When we reached Ouse Bridge we left the wind behind and joined the Lower Derwent, the water gauge was showing 1.22m. This was a good level for a relaxed days paddling on this wide and relatively easy (Grade 1 / 2) river in glorious sunshine accompanied by many and varied geese and ducks. In the background Skiddaw and Ullock Pike looked great in the sunlight with a good covering of snow on them.

We stopped for lunch just below Isel Hall and Isel Grange. There is a table and chairs right by the riverside perfect for a lunch break in glorious sunshine, as you can see from the photo!

After lunch Tom suggested that we take it in turn to lead as we made our way towards Cockermouth. It was both interesting and challenging to do this, one can get used to following on without necessarily thinking about the best route to take.

After a very relaxed and enjoyably day we ended the paddle at 1.30pm. The egress itself was challenging being very muddy!

All in all a lovely day when it’s good to be alive and to be able to appreciate the fantastic diversity of mountains and rivers that we have on our doorstep.
