Leven Estuary

28 Feb 2024

Well , the weather was better than expected as  11 LCC members set off to explore the Leven estuary.

We waited for water, and as it came we jumped on the flow at Canal Head. Very soon one of our members was lucky with an altercation with a viaduct stanchion. Miraculously there was no capsize so we practised ferrygliding, breaking in and out.

Calm water pushed us rapidly up the estuary for a quick bite to eat and away on to Greenodd. Refreshed, we continued  up the river for a quick lunch.

It was a misty return, for a while on glassy water, then a sudden change to a strong breeze,  choppy water and less visibility. Probably due to wind over tide, shallow water and a more exposed area.  A quick call from Mike to turn left sent us into more sheltered conditions along the shore.

We relaxed until we were approaching the viaduct, which quickly cleared of mist, so we could see the fast flows more readily. We all sat up to respond. More fun was had by some, working our way up against the flow and through the gaps again. A short leisurely paddle took us again to Canal Foot to egress and load boats. Then the real rain set in. So glad it came a few hours later than expected.

A really good trip which boosted my confidence, no end.

Susan Simpson

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