Borrow Beck

Friday 15/3/24

Quite a bit of rain fell in the early hours of Friday morning so there was a lot of scratching of heads and discussion about where to go. The Ribble looked low on the standard gauge but a webcam at the top proved it was rising sharply and would be too big by the time we were on it. Mike P decided a high water day was not for him, so he withdrew. We had spotted that Borrow Beck was up on the webcams, but would it stay up enough, by the time we got there? We went to look (with a back up plan) and it was still up enough. It was at a level that three of the four had done it at before and the real rain had stopped around 7am, so it should not rise to scare us, while we were on it.

As usual, the top had some fences (2 out of 5 possible ones were in place) and a bit of scraping over gravel bars where it widened, but in the gorge it was very nice. We spotted a tree problem on the pre-drop to the big event and got out. Then we noticed it wasn’t just a branch we might have been able to duck under; but a full trunk right across just hidden under the water from above. Phew. Brian showed us how meaty the main event was. He was never actually upside down, but he wasn’t visible for all the run. We had portaged and put on protection (see video on LCC Facebook page). The rest was a delight with flowing rapids and little problems with trees. All over by lunchtime allowing some to head off to the Sprint.

Thanks for organising Simon L and for Brian C and Ian McC joining us too. 
Rachel Powell

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