Open Boat Ribble Assault on Ribchester – From Clitheroe

22nd Mar 2024

Whatever did the Roman’s do for us? Well…..when Petillius Cerealis marched into Ribchester in 72 ad, with his legion of Roman soldiers, in their galea helmets and segmented armour, he inadvertently created a pocket of outstanding culture and history. Today, nearly 2000 years on, peace seeking visitors converge to examine the Roman relics. Following in Petillius’s footsteps, our legion of LCC marauders, dressed in their own suits of Palm, Peak and Typhoon, and high density polyethylene hard hats, crossed the frontier via the river Ribble into darkest Lancashire – to mount an assault on the rather excellent cake trolley of the Potter’s Barn cafe. 

In Control

One of the gd 2 sections

Zephyrus, the Roman god of the west wind, attempted to thwart our infiltration with F5 – gusting F6 headwinds. Alas, the determined 9 in their longboats, were not to be defeated. The blueberry and almond slice (with ice cream) and rocky road provided too much of an incentive to impede the fearsome, hungry invaders. Even the weir of death at Great Mitton, with it’s 4m towback, closed ends and uphill exit slope weren’t a deterrent. 


The weir of death

A really grand day out on new water for most, in a different part of the world. Open views, sandpipers, oystercatchers, redshank and a kingfisher (to name a few). Hard work at times, but with the warmth of spring and decent sunny spells, it was a relatively easy job. Partly a warm up for the upcoming trip to Sweden, various matrimonial partnerships were challenged in the tandem test. I think Ian and Julian are still on speaking terms?

A marriage made in heaven!

Maximus Mcrerie

Thanks to Ian McCrerie, for leading the incursion, and to Robin, Mike H, Linda, Ian Murgatroyd, John S, Julian and Mike Powell for being outstanding river companions.

Pete Riley

Level at 

1.15 / 1.01 – New Jumbles Rock (Mid Medium on RC – bank full!)

0.49 / 0.43 – Lock’s Weir 

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