Tees, Over Dinsdale to Yarm on International Happiness Day!

20 March 2024

Having sorted the shuttle, seven of us had a gentle float downstream on the Tees with some reminders about breaking into and out of eddies, turning and low braces. There were a few interesting egress situations but as always, team work solved the problems. The river was quiet in the March drizzle, there were many sightings of herons – or maybe they were the same ones – and once approaching Yarm we met some river traffic by way of an Eight, a Skiff and some Canadians from a local school. Finding parking anywhere in Yarm, never mind near the water, is as challenging as the egress up the vertical ladder ( or in my case a very steep muddy bank) onto the wharf. Let’s just say it wasn’t designed with sea kayakers in mind!

Two nice ladies were handing out bunches of International Happiness tulips and the rain cleared up by the end of the afternoon. We had a great day, thank you everyone.

Lynne W

Pics to follow

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