Another Bore-ing Report

Tuesday 12th March 2024
High water Barrow 10.31m at 12:42pm

The highest tide of the year tempted a few club members onto the estuary at Arnside. Time and tide wait for no body, so it was handy that everybody assembled promptly. This allowed the full boring brief to be given in a relaxed way, this was particularly good because we had at least one first timer in the group. We set of on time and as planned at 09:30 a little more than 3 hours before high water Barrow. 

The water was shallow in places, but deep enough to allow us to paddle all the way.  At Blackstone point the channel headed west towards Holm Island after passing little crag we followed it South past Grange then Southwest towards Silverdale. We spotted the Bore at 10:35, by the time we met the incoming tide it was within a couple of minutes of 2 hours before HW Barrow, just as we expected.

I think everybody had different experiences on the ride back in. The channel was poorly defined allowing the incoming tide to spread out across the sands. It had its moments but for most of way back the bore was small and inconsistent. Sometimes forcing the group to split as it was interrupted by shallow sandbars emerging from the mist. It formed and dissipated and felt difficult to stay with, the two in river kayaks having to work extra to stay near the front of the wave.

Only 5 out of 10 for the year’s biggest tide. Still an inspiring and magical thing to do though.

Thanks Rachel, Brian, Conrad, Chris W, and Graeme (who suggested the trip) for joining me.


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